Sunday, 26 April 2009

Ep.5: Fact & Fiction

This week we're talking about fantasy knitting, when the project in your head isn't quite the project in your hands.

Then, if your grasp of your finances is more fiction than fact, here are a few places to find some credit-crunch friendly yarn.

Plus some ideas of free ways to enjoy London and a village in Kent that's been celebrating a fictional version of itself.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Episode 4: Winifred & Kathleen

In this week's episode we're talking about grandparents, the Victoria & Albert Museum and some alternative night's out around London that mix the old and new. 

To listen simply follow the link on the right.

This week's links:

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Episode 3: Anarchy & Chocolate

Happy Easter - hope everyone's enjoying the long weekend and eating lots of chocolate.

This week we're looking at Guerrilla Knitting, handmade courses and the best online shopping for something a little more original.

This week's links:

Knitta Please - graffiti knitters

Questionable Content - comic strip

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Musical Sheep

Those of you who have listened to both episodes will have heard that the most recent has a rather more polished soundtrack. I found it incredibly difficult to get a good, podsafe song that had the sound I wanted. But thanks to the wizardry available through Garageband I was able to make one of my own. 

The lovely Hello Knitty was kind enough to say how much she liked the music and was disappointed it wasn't a 'proper' song that she could download. Well, who am I to disappoint my generous (and at this stage rather select) listeners? So, the full-length version has been uploaded to the podcast feed and you should be able to download it through iTunes by following the usual subscription link on the right. Enjoy!

By the way, if you're having problems accessing the first episode, my apologies. It was recorded and uploaded through a different computer and although it's set up correctly with the host website, I haven't quite straightened out Feedburner yet and sometimes it seems you get the second episode instead. The first is around if you have a hunt/follow a couple of click-throughs, but I'm working on fixing it. 

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Episode 2: Knit & Be Damned

I meant to upload this yesterday but it's taken my little dongle an hour and forty-five minutes to manage this Herculean task. 

But here, for you listening pleasure, is episode two. This week I'll be sharing my frustrations at some people's perception of knitting, and talking about knitting in public. I'll also be taking a look at the latest issue of Knitty; some great online knitting tutorials for those tricky techniques; and having a bit of a giggle at some Welsh sheep farmers who have a lot of time on their hands...

All thoughts, comments, feedback and suggestions welcome - just drop me an email.

This week's links: